Energizer Bunnies

Things are warming up around here and I am so happy to see daffodils starting to bloom and grass turn green. I am not happy, however, to see a plethora of bunnies. I  know, they’re cute and all, but they eat everything.

Enjoying the garden salad buffet!

Enjoying the garden salad buffet!


The most favorite treat seems to be the buds off the top of any bulb. Tulips stems without their tops are a sorry sight, indeed. There are many who love the sight of a cute little bunny munching away on their grass and but I am not one.

I do love other harbingers of the season, like beautiful green vegetables in the market.  My favorite thing to make is a mess of sautéed spring vegetables with lots of garlic over pasta.  I wait impatiently for fava beans, which take a little work to prepare but are so delicious they are worth it.  They do not come into our markets until June, so I will have to content myself with asparagus, sugar snap peas and spring onions for now.



I  slice the onions and sauté them in olive oil, add in the other vegetables, garlic and serve it over pasta. It is delicious and healthy, too!  Pour a glass of red wine and dinner is ready!

Happy Spring! Joy

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