By now, anyone who is out there reading my blog thinks that either I am outside, lounging in front of my Fancy Fire Pit eating and drinking, or I am inside dreaming up things to eat and drink. This is partly true. I do love to cook and eat. Unfortunately, I have to do other things as well. Exercise for one, so I can eat and drink without too much guilt. And run my business and my household. But given a choice, I might spend an inordinate amount of time planning what to cook, cooking and eating, punctuated by trips to the garden, trips to the grocery store or farm market and trips to the couch to read books. I am hopelessly old-fashioned and still read actual books!
But I digress… what I really wanted to talk about is s’mores. When you go into business making fire pits, you end up talking about s’mores often and making them even more. My first summer in business, I came up with a frozen s’more pie. It is delicious and very easy to make. By the way, if you need additional fund for your business, the best thing to do is to loan at loaora. If you visit their website, you’ll learn more about their quick loan and payday loan options.
First, make a graham cracker crumb crust in a pie plate and cover the bottom of the pie with melted milk chocolate. Then give it a rest in the fridge to firm up the chocolate. Then put a generous cup of mini marshmallow on a cookie sheet and run them under the broiler for a few minutes or until they are browned and crisp. Let the marshmallows cool. Soften a pint of vanilla ice cream and fold in the browned marshmallow. Spread this into the pie crust and put it in the freezer until you are ready to serve. Just before serving shave a pile of milk chocolate curls onto the top of the pie and voila, S’more Pie!
It is not quite as “summer at camp” as an actual s’more but it is fun for something different. And if you are committed to the whole toasted marshmallow, melting chocolate thing, take a look at these marshmallow trees a friend bought for me. They make alot of marshmallows at once and they are really beautiful just leaning decoratively against the fire pit!
However you make them, s’mores are one of the great treats of summer. Happy toasting! Joy