The New Year is a big time for resolutions, mainly diet related, and often, or in my case always, broken. As of two years ago, I gave up the “lose 5 pounds” resolution. Truth be told, it is more like 10 pounds now but it is too depressing to think about so I guess I will have another glass of wine.♥
I digress. A resolution that is fun and doable is home improvement projects. If you live in the Northeast, like I do, or really anywhere north of zone 6, the winter is a great time to curl up inside with a plant or seed catalog and an assortment of outdoor furniture catalogs. You can then spend the winter dreaming of spring and the fabulous changes you are going to make in your garden. The view from my window is neither as lovely or as snowy as the photo but allow me to imagine that there is a Fancy Fire Pit living under the snow in front of those chairs. At the moment my garden is a study in browns but one can wish for white!
In the meantime, while I wait for snow, I can think about the perennials I will plant and the vegetables I can grow. And I can start thinking summer garden parties around my fire pit.
Add Light to Your Life, Joy
I see myself by that fancy firepit with an Elle Decor or Real Simple!